
I don’t especially like talking about myself–for me, the work is more important, which is why this site exists, and if you’ve found yourself here, hopefully you agree.

There are times, however, that it can be useful to understand where I come from and what perspectives I might bring. Culture, identity, vision–these are often used as euphemisms for finding people who think alike, and the simplest thing I can say about myself is I like working with people who think differently, be that because they grew up where I didn’t, went to a school I’ve never heard of, played different games than I did–you get the picture.

I come from rural Nova Scotia and I grew up around philosophers at the University of King’s College. I have no idea what that makes me, demographically, but it has left me a certain pleasure in ideas, how they form and are used, and how we share them with each other.

Which all sounds rather abstract when I mostly just enjoy books, games, and other media–all those simple, silly stories that make people smile or sit up. I once spent part of a class teaching bamboozled students why Plato’s theory of forms could inform practical game design. But I was really just there to talk to them about The Legend of Zelda and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy over coffee. Because that’s why we make these things, and we learn how by sharing them.

So ultimately, I’m in it for the fun–and to try and figure out what “fun” even is. I love a puzzle. I’m surprisingly, irrationally, into soccer, and both referee it and run a blog covering the Canadian Premier League. I’m involved in local community events in rural NS, and that’s always been a part of my creative work, too: magic crops up in all kinds of places.

I’m always looking for any project where I can play, and I bring experience and skills to those groups that you can read about elsewhere on this site.

Now, why don’t you tell me about yourself?

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